Products & Services

Point of Sale

BMT Point of Sale Features – Tons of Features and more to come to make your business easier




  • Manage Multiple Services

bmt-pos-baru-02Navigate Through Multiple Services

Manage multiple services with just one account login. Simply filter reports and inventory by service, or select all services for a complete view.


Create Permission Based on Service

Create employee accounts and assign permission based on service. So Budi can only make transactions at Outlet A, Cindy can manage outlets B & C, while the owner can always access all outlets.



  • Shift Management (or Cash Drawer Management)

bmt-pos-baru-06Track Cash Flow

Gain control to maintain accountability of the cash moving in and out of your store. Know exactly how much money should be in the cash register at any given time.







  • A Whole New Way of Knowing Your Customers

bmt-pos-baru-05Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Send the receipt via email and gain your customer database. Knows who’s coming to your shop, what they’re buying, how oftenthey visit , and more.








Send Email Receipt

Send receipt via email. Personalize receipts with your logo and social media info





Collect Feedback

Customers leave feedback directly from their email receipt.





Respond to Customer Feedback

View and reply to your customer feedback. Show your customers you care.




  • Manage Multiple Orders


Save a New Order

Assign a new customer order to a table number. Keep the bill open while you process a new transaction.


Switch Between Open Bills
Employees need to enter authorization code to modify a bill that is already saved.




  • Track Server


Know What Your Staffs are Doing

Select the staff that serves your customer during checkout. Staff report on the on the back-office allows you to calculate






  • Invoice


Get Paid Partially, Set Due Date for Payment

Allow customers to pay in the future after the transaction takes place. Invoices are used to request payment from buyers, keep track of sales, help control inventory and facilitate delivery of goods and services.




  • Analytics That Makes Sense


Comprehensive Reporting

Spot what’s selling, gain insights on peak and low hours, track staff performance, and more realtime, anywhere.

Do the Books!

Export any reports to Excel and keep your accountant happy. Now, you can spend more time selling to your customers.


  • Inventory Management


Inventory Management You Can Count On

Track all incoming and outgoing items. Receive a daily email detailing items that are low or out of stock. Inventory Management allows you to plan your inventory better, directly increasing your profit.



a. Supplier
Track your supplier information to speed up re-orders. Purchase orders are sent to suppliers via email.

b. Purchase Order
Use purchase orders to add incoming stock.

c. Transfer
Transfer and track stock movements from one outlet to another.

d. Adjustment
Perform stock-takes and compare expected stock with actual inventory. Make necessary adjustments.


  • Managerial Permission


Have Control Over What Your Staff Can Do

Employees are able to process transactions but require supervisor code to perform specific functions like issuing refunds or modifying a bill. Only you or the manager you assign can access the back-office.



a. App Only
Give permission to your staff to make transactions on the app for you. There is no limit to the number of staffs you can invite.
b. App & Back-office
Only you and the managers you assign can access this Back-office.


Category : Products & Services

Beauty Clinic Software







Pada List tabel dari Data Mining Pasien, User dapat melakukan filter pencarian ataupun proses export ke dalam bentuk file excel. Feature export dapat dibatasi hak aksesnya.

User dapat menginput data Pendaftaran Pasien Baru ataupun merubah data pasien tersebut melalui Form detail Pasien. Print kartu pasien dapat diintegrasikan dengan hardware pendukungnya.

Setiap transaksi yang telah dilakukan oleh pasien akan masuk ke dalam Form Laporan Medical Record dan dapat dicetak.




User dapat melakukan registrasi ataupun reservasi dari pasien.

Selama pasien mengantri, nurse/beautician dapat memberikan pelayanan (bila pelayanan ini bersifat langsung setelah konsultasi dengan pihak dokter sebelumnya). Beautician dapat melakukan foto sebelum pelayanan dilakukan.

Dari setiap pelayanan yang akan diberikan, dokter akan melakukan review ataupun memberikan catatan seperti: symptom, sign, diagnosis, dan management. Dokter memperoleh hak akses lebih untuk melakukan finalisasi dari setiap pelayanan.

Setalah proses pelayanan dilakukan maka akan ada Slip dokter yang merupakan ticketing sebagai tanda bukti kepada beautician untuk dapat melakukan pelayanan lebih lanjut.




Proses pengadaan barang dimulai dari proses pemesanan barang (Purchase Order/ PO) dengan harga produk yang sudah disepakati dengan vendor.

Ketika barang datang, disesuaikan dengan Surat Pesanan Barang yang telah disepakati pada Purchase Order.

Setelah barang yang akan diterima dengan Surat Penerimaan Barang cocok, User dapat melakukan input Form Penerimaan Barang lengkap. Harga produk sudah diset pada Purchase Order

Faktur penerimaan barang diberikan ke pihak Finance.

User pun dapat melakukan proses mutasi stok agar mempermudah proses pengaturan dalam pembagian stok yang ada.

Bila terjadi selisih antara stok pada sistem dengan stok fisik dikarenakan kehilangan ataupun terselip. User dapat melakukan adjust stock. Proses adjust ini akan ter-record sebagai history.

Data setiap gudang beserta harga HPP nya dapat dilihat pada Laporan Daftar Stock.

User dapat mengetahui kapan stok masuk dan keluar melalui laporan Kartu Stock setiap produk.

User akan melakukan input transaksi penjualan obat kepada pasien dimana jenis obat ini terbagi menjadi 2 macam: obat paten (ataupun obat yang sudah dikemas) dan obat racikan.

Berikut ini apabila pada transaksi terdapat obat racikan yang disesuaikan dengan resep yang diberikan oleh dokter.

Print out akan dibuatkan untuk pelayanan resep yang digunakan sebagai hardcopy pihak apotek dari setiap transaksi yang telah dilakukan.




Proses Kasir dilakukan sentralisasi antara pelayanan klinik dan pembelian obat di apotek. Berikut ini list tabel transaksi pembayaran.

Kasir  hanya dapat melakukan review dari setiap pelayanan yang telah diinput oleh pihak beautician/ dokter maupun setiap obat yang diberikan oleh apotek. Apabila sudah benar, kasir akan melanjutkan ke proses pembayaran.

Proses pembayaran transaksi dapat dilakukan multiple tipe pembayaran.

Untuk format print out dapat dilakukan redevelopment kembali sesuai dengan kebutuhan client dan akan diberikan kepada pasien.




Admin Gudang Apotek memiliki Hak akses tertentu yang dapat diatur oleh Administrator.

Apoteker memiliki Hak akses tertentu yang dapat diatur oleh Administrator.

Dewan Direksi memiliki Hak akses tertentu yang dapat diatur oleh Administrator.

Front Office Klinik memiliki Hak akses tertentu yang dapat diatur oleh Administrator.

Kasir memiliki Hak akses tertentu yang dapat diatur oleh Administrator.




Form Master Tindakan yang dapat dilakukan adjustment baik tarif hingga share dapat diakses oleh Administrator.

Pihak Direksi dapat melihat Laporan Jasa/Tindakan yang sudah dilakukan oleh setiap dokter.

Pihak Direksi dapat melihat jumlah kunjungan pasien ke setiap dokter.

Pihak Direksi dapat melihat laporan penjualan dari apotek.

Pihak Direksi dapat melihat laporan reservasi pasien agar dapat memproyeksikan berapa banyak pasien yang masih on schedule. Hal ini dapat memudahkan pihak front office untuk mengetahui dan menghubungi pasien kembali yang telah reservasi.

Pihak Direksi dapat melihat laporan transaksi pelayanan klinik yang telah dilakukan.


Category : Products & Services

Digital Signage

Apa sih Digital Signage itu?

Digital Signage merupakan aplikasi pengelola konten digital yang telah diprogram untuk dapat menampilkan urutan informasi atau pesan kepada target audiens secara efektif, cepat, tepat dan handal. Digital Signage sangat memanjakan mata anda dalam memberikan tontonan visual yang menarik dan atraktif, beraneka pesan atau informasi berformat multimedia dapat dengan mulus dimainkan, diantaranya berupa gambar, video, scroll text, chart, grafik, schedule, news, weather yang disajikan secara dynamic menggunakan media display elektronik seperti LCD TV, PLASMA TV, Proyektor, digital billboard sebagai output.


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Category : Products & Services

iDempiere Implementation

iDempiere Customization in Indonesia
BMT brings the best practices in iDempiere ERP Solutions in Indoneisa by effective consulting and superior understanding of customer needs and the budget. In case if your business is growing rapidly it will be better to use a Customized iDempiere ERP solution which is a combination of OSGi and ADempiere open source suits. The main features of this software is that provides flexible solution for Enterprise resource planning, Customer relationship management and Supply chain management.





Consumers today are looking for a “complete shopping experience.” Our Retail management solution empower retailers to be Perfect by delivering that experience with a seamless and differentiating solution for point of sale (POS), Supply chain Management, HR Management, Rewards Card Management and complete Financial Management. This enables retailers to gain insight, operate with agility, exceed consumer expectations, and build enduring loyalty with superior time to value.



We Offer the best-practice support for multi-mode manufacturers in a broad range of Industries. Our ERP Solution has the capacity of both finite and infinite planning capabilities that enables manufacturers to compete in the prevailing market atmosphere.



thumb_facilitymanagementFacility Management

Our Facility Management Services Solution integrates operations and back-office modules like Contract Management, Finance, HR, payroll and supply chain management, making it a holistic solution for service providers. Customized to meet all the needs of your industry, the solution is an able hand in managing all processes which makes you manage your business with ease, and focus on broadening the smile on your clients’ faces with more innovations from your side.



Fast-track your trading business across geographies, get empowered to rise above future challenges. Whether it is strategic sourcing to accrue cost advantages, pricing across wider geographies, greater visibility on shipping dates or simply collection concerns, our trading solutions are designed to cater to your needs and realize revenue growth.



thumb_supplychainmanagementSupply Chain Management (SCM)

As an in-stock, on-time, everything’s-where-it-should-be company, your fine-tuned supply chain provides just what customers want. Having the right raw materials, inventory, and supplies to keep you in business today and tomorrow makes managing your supply network a critical activity. Our Supply chain management system integrates aspects of operations management, procurement, logistics, and information technology to ensure continuous, on-time resupply.

Category : Products & Services

BM Digital Signage


Reach Your Audience
The only digital signage solution you need for all your various advertising applications. BM Digital  Signage provides a simple and cost-effective platform to roll out your product advertisement, announcement for schools, informational displays or directional signage at offices or shopping malls. Read the rest…

Category : Products & Services

Creative Design

In Birumerah Technology, we believe that we can help our client to combine typography, art and layout and give them solutions that can help communicate their messages to their future customers.

Our services related to creative design:

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Category : Products & Services

SMS Gateway

We can provide our client with custom SMS Gateway, to fulfill their business needs.

Why use SMS to reach out your customer?
SMS stands for Short Message Service and is an effective and inexpensive form of communication. Because SMS offers secure and fast access to a large target audience and inhomogeneous (such as age, occupation, education, income, purchasing behavior, lifestyle, needs and desires, level of understanding, and so on), they have multiple applications: customer information, making and confirming their orders, receiving invoices faster, security alerts and more. Read the rest…

Category : Products & Services

Medik SMS

Medik SMS is medical SMS system, that can be use on clinic and hospital to communicate interactively with their patient.

Medik SMS offers the following modules:

  • Patients: registering patients and their personal data.
  • Appointments: management appointments, doctors and clinics, free periods and holidays. Read the rest…

Category : Products & Services

Application Development

Birumerah Tech has a well-defined and mature application development process which follows the complete SDLC, from business requirements analysis to maintenance and support of the application.

We use rapid development model for application development and each of the development phases can be defined with metrics and tracked with the Web based tools which can be used by our customers.

We help you address evolving business and technology challenges by providing applications tailored to meet your business requirements. Read the rest…

Category : Products & Services

Web Development

We can help our clients to  use latest technologies and processes to build secure and reliable websites. We develop websites, web applications, database driven sites, and Corporate Intranet Website.

Thinking of building your website? Contact us and you will have it up and running

Category : Products & Services